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Best websites to learn about Ethiopian capital market

Here are some of the best websites to learn about the Ethiopian capital market:

  1. CapitalMarketEthiopia.com – This website serves as a gateway to the Ethiopian stock market, providing news, updates, company profiles, financial analysis, and resources to help you capitalize on emerging opportunities. Learn more about Ethiopian capital market
  2. EthiopianCapitalMarket.com – The premier destination for comprehensive coverage of the Ethiopian stock market. It offers news, articles, rules, regulations, investor resources, and company information.
  3. ECMA website (www.ecma.gov.et) – The official website of the Ethiopian Capital Market Authority, the primary regulator overseeing capital market activities. It provides proclamations, directives, training resources, and other essential information.
  4. ESX website (esxethiopia.com) – The website of the Ethiopian Securities Exchange, the platform where trading activities will take place. It offers information on listing, investing, and becoming a trading member.
  5. YouTube – Search for podcasts, interviews, and press releases by Dr. Brook Taye, Director General of ECMA, who explains the fundamentals of the Ethiopian capital market in Amharic.
  6. LinkedIn (Ethiopian Securities Exchange) – Follow the official LinkedIn page of the Ethiopian Securities Exchange for updates, events, and insights into the development of the capital market.

These websites collectively provide a wealth of information on the rules, regulations, participants, and opportunities in the Ethiopian capital market. Combining resources from the regulatory authorities, exchange, and informational websites will give you a comprehensive understanding of this emerging market.

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